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The New Imperative To Move Beyond Yesterday’s Contingent Workforce Procurement Approach

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Published: January 19, 2016
Access Level: Free
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过去五年中显著地变化cross most sectors of the economy. These changes are driven by emerging factors, such as globalization and supply and demand demographics, as well as the increasing pervasiveness of digitization and its impacts on how markets and businesses work.

Over the last 10+ years, programs to manage contingent workforce suppliers have been very successful. Much spend has been brought under management, driving savings and mitigating risk. However, the current focus on contingent workforce through staffing and SOW suppliers is becoming too narrow. Businesses and their procurement organizations adopt a broader perspective. This requires an expansion of programs that goes beyond the procurement of supplier-delivered workers to engaging a broader spectrum of talent in new, more direct ways.

The questions that leading firms are already grappling with are: What is this broader spectrum of talent, and how can it be engaged?

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