Home|Webinar|派遣# 1:B2B Payments and Why the Fuss? A primer for procurement, finance and solution providers
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派遣# 1:B2B Payments and Why the Fuss? A primer for procurement, finance and solution providers

Webinar Replay
派遣# 1:B2B Payments and Why the Fuss? A primer for procurement, finance and solution providers slide image
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In the world of procurement today, what are B2B payments and why all the fuss? As B2B payments seep more into the procurement space as part of the source-to-pay (S2P) cycle, they are also considered a major savings opportunity for organizations lacking advanced invoice processing automation and payment solutions. Join us for dispatch #1 in the Spend Matters bi-weekly series as Jason Busch and David Gustin provide a primer on B2B payments for procurement, finance and solution providers. Obtain some valuable information in this quick series of dispatches with 20 minutes of content and 10 minutes for Q&A.

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