
贸易交易Baiwang Lifdim/Adobe股票

今天早些时候,Basware宣布它获得了Verian,付费付款(P2P)提供商。公告之后,BASWARE与支出事项分享了收购的收入大约为3.5倍的收入多重。(Verian’s 2015 revenues were $10.5 million and the overall deal value was $35.9 million, according to Basware.) Given the deal terms and the immediate growth potential of the Verian business with increased distribution through Basware, Spend Matters believes the transaction will be accretive (i.e., adding value that exceeds the cost of the acquisition by improving revenue and earnings ratios) to Basware by 2017 (if not before). Basware also shared with Spend Matters that the deal is expected to close on April 1, 2016. This Spend Matters PRO analysis shares our initial impressions of the Verian acquisition and what it means for Basware, as well as provides preliminary market analysis. Additional PRO commentary, publishing in the coming days, will center on detailed customer and competitor analysis.
