

采购 lenetsnikolai / Adobe股票

有些人认为,市场目标(即。,“point”) solutions in the broader source-to-pay area is becoming less important than an integrated suite approach. This observation is becoming even more important in typical customer buying decisions in cases of strategic procurement technology, such as analytics, supplier management and strategic sourcing, where more and more customers at least want the “option” to purchase an integrated suite. Yet for transactional procurement (e-procurement and invoice-to-pay) solutions today, the notion of selecting a vendor with a broader suite may or may not matter depending on what a procurement organization values most.

BuyerQuest是一个暴发户采购软件和解决方案提供商,没有一个清晰的套件提供(invoice-to-pay扩张能力以外的),尽管正在建设全球采用和实现它的核心领域的重点。整个重点是制定了专业技术,它相信提供一流procure-to-pay (P2P)和采购组织的用户体验,基于一个独特的底层架构构建完全记住支持B2C的用户体验。

